!! Due to the large number of applicants, a third prize was added to the competition
The third-place school will receive $ 600.
The Eiec is announcing a grant contest for general education institutions - "Learn in a Safe Environment".
The Eiec is announcing a grant contest for general education institutions - "Learn in a Safe Environment".
The aim of the competition is to help reduce the impact of natural disasters caused by climate change at the local level, to raise awareness of natural disasters and to strengthen community resilience with the maximum involvement of stakeholders. The competition is held within the program - "Reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georgia," which is currently being implemented in 10 vulnerable municipalities.
The contest rules
The contest is open to schools in the 10 targeted municipalities of the program (Gori, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Akhmeta, Signagi, Samtredia, Abasha, Khobi, Senaki, Kobuleti). The submitted project should be related to one of the 7 natural hazards envisaged by the program (flood, hail, mudslide, landslide, drought, strong wind, avalanche), which is a challenge for both municipalities and the community.
The general education institution participating in the contest must submit a project proposal, the implementation of which will strengthen the school's resilience to natural disasters and should ensure the involvement of the local community.
The project proposal should include the activity(s) that will be carried out within the framework of the contest's prize amount (the budget should also include activities that do not require monetary resources).The implementation period of the project activities should not exceed 1 year.
Project evaluation criteria:
The submitted project should be related to at least one problematic challenge for the municipality out of the 7 natural hazards envisaged by the program;
The disaster risk preparedness component should be reflected in the project.
The project should include: long-term and short-term activities;
It is important that the project outlines the links between the disaster management phases; (For example, if the readiness phase involves the purchase of certain technical equipment, it is necessary to write down the component of its use and training, therefore the target group will have the equipment in the response phase and will know how to use it)
The project must include a component about promoting education and raise awareness regarding natural disasters (ies) that affect the local population.
It is desirable that the initiated and implemented project provide links between institutions within the community (e.g., between schools and self-government, between schools and community-based organizations).
Collaborative engagement is important in order to ensure project sustainability by community members and local governments.
Involvement of vulnerable groups and various stakeholders in the project will be considered as an advantage.
The Contest will be held in 2 stages;
I stage- application selection
II stage- Presentation of the project proposal
A special commission will identify two finalists based on the results of both stages. The winning school will receive $ 1,200, while the second-place school will receive $ 800.
The project application must be submitted by the school principal.
To participate in the contest, please fill in the application form (in WORD format) electronically.
The deadline for applications is November 15, 2021.
For additional information, please contact to tamar shervashidze, project coordinator from the Eiec, (e-mail address tamar.shervashidze@eiec.gov.ge,მობ: 595958825)
Detaled information about the program, application form, and other necessary information can be found in the attached files
See the annex below
Contest application form
Short information about project and terms
Budget form