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Admission to Ecoliders School has begun

Admission to Ecoliders School has begun

The 24th of January, 2020
Admission to the School of Ecoliders is announced by the LEPL The Eiec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture 
The school is open to students from IX to XII grades.
Why should you come to us?

You will get knowledge about environmental issues from qualified people;
Learn about the modern challenges of the planet and discuss ways to solve problems;
Improve your ability to present your own point of view and defend it;
Improvement of critical and analytical thinking skills;
Improvement of communication and teamwork skills;
Make new friends.

A variety of approaches will be used in the teaching:
Role-playing games
The discussions 
Interesting guests 
All project participants will be awarded a certificate and souvenirs.
To study at Ecolider School, you need to fill in  the registration form by February 25.
Participants will be selected in two stages:
The first stage - selection of applications (candidates selected for the first stage will be contacted by February 28).

Second stage-interview (candidates for the second stage will be contacted by March 6).
Tuition at Eco- Leader School is free!
To register, visit the link: 

Contact us for detailed information!
Contact person: Mariam Archuadze (597 77 23 57,;
Ketevan Shvangiradze (558 56 77 76;
meetings will be held from March 9 to 13 at the Eiec in Tbilisi (Address: Marshal Gelovani Avenue #6). 


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