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Environmental Information System / Knowledge Management System

Environmental Information System / Knowledge Management System

Annex to the "National Action Plan for the Development of the European Union and the European Atomic Energy and their Member States and, on the other hand, the Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union for the implementation of the Association Agenda 2016" approved by the Government of Georgia Resolution # 382 of March 7, 2016 According to paragraph 146.2, it is mandatory to start the establishment of a unified system of environmental information. 

Accordingly, the LEPL eiec for Environmental Information and Education is developing an environmental information and knowledge management system that will help improve the monitoring of environmental impact trends, as well as achieve national goals and fulfill international obligations.

The concept of the system in the first stage involves the development of three thematic modules: climate change, biodiversity, and land degradation / desertification. According to the technical task of the system, the system is adaptive (system infrastructure should adapt to new tendencies and requirements) and modular (system builds on modules of various levels of complexity), which allows you to develop other thematic modules and analytical capabilities related to the environment. 

System advantages and benefits

Increase the effectiveness of the Georgian government in the decision-making and policy-making process 

Improve environmental impact and trend monitoring

Provide various stakeholders with access to reliable and relevant data. 

The system uses the analytics tools integrated in it and  gives us access to environmental data (climate change, desertification, and biodiversity at this stage) and allows us to create new products with less human resources and in a shorter time.

The system is as automated as possible and reduces human involvement to a minimum. For the most part, this is reflected in the collection and sharing of data with various stakeholders (government agencies and their infrastructure, academia, business and non-governmental sectors, and the population). In addition, as mentioned above, the system has analytical tools (tools) to use.

The system enables us to process and analyze data, monitor trends and report


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