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Green Book of Climate Change Law of Georgia

Green Book of Climate Change Law of Georgia

We are sharing with you the consulting document implemented by the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee, the Westminster Democracy Fund (WFD), and with the support of the United Kingdom, the Climate Change  ‘Green Book’’ of Georgian Law.

The aim of the ‘Green Book’’ is to begin consultations and public discussions on the implementation of the law on Georgian climate change; this process will be led by the committee with the involvement of EIEC.

The national  consultations on the ‘’Green Book’’ will be held in Kutaisi, Telavi and Tbilisi.

Based on the opinions received and the national consultations held, the ''Green Book'' of the Climate Change Law - a guiding document for the development of the Georgian Law on Climate Change - will be developed.

Please send your comments on the issues presented in the Green Paper by April 30, 2023 to the following e-

mail address: To mail:

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