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The Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) calls for debates for Eco Club

The Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) calls for debates for Eco Club

If you are an Eco Club member and have a wish to get involved in environmental debates in several fields:

• Green Economy
• Climate change
• Waste management
Then this post is for you.
The goal of debates is to raise environmental awareness and to popularize green skills and attitudes, among young people. 

Ecoclubs from all over Georgia, which include students from 7th to 12th grade, can take part in the event.
All interested parties can submit information about their Eco Clubs on May 10, inclusive.
Six Eco Clubs will be selected based on the received statements and will get the opportunity to discuss challenges in environmental sectors in front of a wide audience.
For additional information, please contact Ana Manjavidze, the chief specialist of the Environmental Information and Education Centre. (Phone: 555233536; Email:


Public hearings