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Ensuring the holding of public hearings has become the competence of the Environmental Information and Education Centre

Ensuring the holding of public hearings has become the competence of the Environmental Information and Education Centre

With the amendment made to the "Environmental Assessment Code" (Law of Georgia No. 1445-VIIIms-XMP of February 22, 2023), the participation of the public or interested public in the decision-making process provided for by the Code, the availability of relevant information, and holding public hearings became the competence of the LEPL of Environmental Information and Education Centre of the

According to the amendment to the Code, from July 1, 2023, the information on the current productions and public review provided for by the Environmental Assessment Code, as well as the decisions issued in the field of EIA/SAS by the Centre for Environmental Information and Education, will all be published on the environmental information portal at

For public hearings, please contact the Environmental Information and Education Centre:
Tel: (+995 322) 112023
Address: Tbilisi, Marshall Gelovani Avenue, N32

Comments and opinions regarding the current administrative proceedings provided for by the "Environmental Assessment Code should be submitted to the National Environment Agency 
Address: Tbilisi, Marshall Gelovani Avenue, N34

Public hearings