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 The concept of protected and other conservation areas

The concept of protected and other conservation areas

A working version of the concept of protected and other conservation areas was prepared within the "Save Nature—Georgia" project, on the initiative of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA), with financial support from the Swedish Government (Swedish Development and Cooperation Agency) (SIDA).

The concept, as a sectoral policy document, reflects the national vision in the direction of nature conservation in protected and other conservation areas and guarantees the creation of an efficient policy and good governance system for protected areas, taking into account international best practices, standards, and principles.

The new agenda set forth by the third goal of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the "Kunming-Montreal Global Framework for Biodiversity," establishes critically important priorities and principles for the field and serves as the foundation for sectoral policy aimed at enhancing and perfecting the system of protected areas, one of the primary instruments for biodiversity conservation.
The process of working on the concept of protected and other conservation areas was carried out in an open, inclusive, and collaborative environment within wide consultations with various stakeholders.

Interested persons can submit comments and opinions about the working version of the concept to the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia no later than January 9, 2024, at the following e-mail addresses: and

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