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Oral hearing on the granting of an aquaculture permit in Georgia's maritime waters in the fish zone N2 and the mollusk zone N6, which are designated for mariculture

Oral hearing on the granting of an aquaculture permit in Georgia's maritime waters in the fish zone N2 and the mollusk zone N6, which are designated for mariculture

Based on the application of "Georgian Salmon Enterprise" Ltd., the National Environmental Agency of the State of Georgia has started the process of issuing a permit for aquaculture in the (fish) zone N2 and (mollusks) zone N6 designated for mariculture in the marine waters of Georgia by Decree N639 of April 3, 2023.

On May 24 of this year at 12:00, an oral hearing will be held in Ozurgeti Municipality (Ureki Township House of Culture) according to the procedures established by the law to meet with the interested parties and inform the public.

You can find the statement along with the attached documents at the link - 

Public hearings