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Certification courses

Certification of individuals, individual entrepreneurs, and legal entities servicing refrigerator-based devices.

To take the Refrigerator Agent Service Technician Certification Exam, candidates must register and get in touch with the designated person in advance:

Contact person: Ana Tsatsanashvili Mob: 577951874


From January 1, 2018, only a technician certified according to the rules established by Georgia legislation has the right to service devices running on refrigerant.
Only a person certified according to the rules established by the legislation of Georgia has the right to service the devices working on refrigerant. The purpose of the certification of the service person of the equipment working on the refrigerant is to ensure the safety and environmental protection requirements, as well as the safe operation of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment or heat pumps, following the Law of Georgia "On Ambient Air Protection".The EIEC of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia ensures the certification and issuance of the relevant certificate.
Certification is carried out by the certification exam or testing method (see exam issues).

To register for the certificate exam, an individual must submit the following to the centre:
• Identity card or passport
• Photo on 3/4 (on CD)
• Document confirming the payment of the certificate exam fee
The fee for passing the certification exam is 100 GEL, which is paid to the following bank details:
Receiving bank: TRESGE22
Name of receiving bank: State Treasury
Name of receiving account: Unified Treasury Account
Receiver Treasury Code: 707377073
Registration for the certificate exam is carried out before the start of the exam at the place of the exam.
If the mentioned documentation is not presented, the person will not be admitted to the exam.
The certificate of a natural person is valid for 5 years.

Certificate exam
A refrigeration equipment service technician certification exam will be held every working day from 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The exam consists of 30 questions.
The duration of the certification exam is 45 minutes.
For each exam test, a correct answer is evaluated with 1 point, and an incorrect answer is evaluated with 0 points.
To receive a positive evaluation, the examinee must score at least 27 points.
The results are announced immediately after the exam.

In the case of the examinee withdrawing from the exam or receiving a negative exam grade, the paid certification exam fee is not returned. In the event of retaking the certification exam, the certification exam fee will be paid again.

Information about the conduct of the certification exam as well as the certified persons will be published on the official website of the centre:

Information on the issue of entrepreneur certification

From January 1, 2024, the obligation of certification is imposed on all individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that service air conditioning and refrigeration equipment or heat pumps and/or carry out the purchase, disposal, collection, recycling, recovery, or disposal of substances covered by the Montreal Protocol. The purpose of certification is to ensure safety and environmental protection requirements, as well as the safe operation of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment or heat pumps, following the Law of Georgia "On Ambient Air Protection.".
An entrepreneur's certificate is issued if an individual entrepreneur or legal entity carries out this activity through one or more hired certified natural persons.

To get an entrepreneur's certificate, you must submit:
• Application for receiving a certificate;
• extract from the register of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities;
• a copy of the certificate and certificate of all natural persons in the labor relationship, their identity document, and a document with legal force confirming the labor relationship;
• in the case of an individual entrepreneur working without hired person(s)—a certificate of a natural person;
• A document confirming the payment of the certificate fee.

The certification fee is 300 GEL, which is paid to the following bank details:
Receiving bank: TRESGE22
Name of receiving bank: State Treasury
Name of receiving account: Unified Treasury Account
Receiver Treasury Code: 707377073
The entrepreneur's certificate is valid for 3 years.

In case of additional questions, please contact us at:
Tel: (032) 2 11 20 23

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