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“National Teacher Prize” 2020

“National Teacher Prize” 2020

Georgia has honored the International Teacher’s day through celebrating the “National Teacher Prize”. Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA), Ms Nino Tandilashvili announced the MEPA’s choice for an award – Ms Marine Vartumashvili, geography teacher at Gori public school # 12. Ms Vartumashvili received recognition for complementing education on environmental theme and apart from receiving the “Green Award 2020”, she was granted with a diploma and a prize. 

“The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia has been supporting the “National Teacher Prize” competition for the last four years. The Ministry provides a special “Green Award” to the contestants for their meaningful contributions for incorporating environmental issues in their curricula and raising pupils’ awareness. Environment has become one of the key gears of education worldwide, which has inspired the Environmental Information and Education Centre to cultivate and lead numerous initiatives aiming at tailoring environmental education to schools. Frankly speaking, no idea or initiative will be in full swing, unless there is a dedicated teacher, who can ensure fruitful instruction of environmental issues at school. Ms Marine Vartumashvili, owner of the “Green Award 2020”, has expended her dedication and inspired her pupils to join environmental activism as responsible citizens. The Ministry is honored to grant the “Green Award” to the teacher with an outstanding spirit for being devout toward environmental initiatives” – Deputy Minister stated. 

Starting from 2017, the “National Teacher Prize” has become an annual celebration held on October 5 each year, aiming at embracing teachers’ professional day. The contest has been paved by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and aspires to nominate and award the best teacher of the country. 

The Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) joined the “National Teacher Prize” contest in 2017 and has complemented its success through nominating and granting “Green Award” to a teacher with a demonstrated contribution toward environmental issues. 


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