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To facilitate the introduction of climate-friendly agriculture, the first training module was developed

To facilitate the introduction of climate-friendly agriculture, the first training module was developed

The Eiec Representatives introduced the Guide to Agrarian Teachers, Quality Managers, and College Directors with the training module "Climate Sustainable Agriculture" and the "Climate Change Sustainable, Low Emission Agriculture" guide.

The training module for vocational schools was developed with the support of the United Nations Development Program and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

The course includes an overview of the agro-ecological and climatic zones in Georgia, an introduction to the practices of vegetation and animal husbandry, taking into account the existing climatic conditions, the impact of climate change on agriculture; and the importance of climate-smart and sustainable agriculture development.

The aim of introducing a climate-smart agricultural training course in vocational schools is to train relevant professional staff to assess the risks posed by climate change in agricultural activities, develop measures to reduce these risks, and introduce modern approaches. The training module has been developed within the framework of the project of the Eiec  "Modernization of Vocational Education Related to Agriculture in Georgia." 

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