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Trainings on care and cultivation of hazelnut

Trainings on care and cultivation of hazelnut

The Environmental Information and Education Centre of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, in cooperation with the Rural Development Agency, is implementing a project to raise awareness among farmers throughout Georgia. The project aims to conduct training for farmers on various topics and to strengthen their capacities.

Within the framework of the "Eco-Grants Program", training on hazelnut care technologies were conducted in three municipalities of Samegrelo, Guria and Imereti (Samtredia, Vani, Khoni).

Within the training, Lasha Tsigriashvili, an expert from the scientific-research center of agriculture of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia focused on agro-technology of hazelnut production, means of improving yield quality, harvesting and storage conditions, and pest control modern technologies.

The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, who addressed the participants and stressed the importance of ongoing training. The first part of the training was dedicated to climate change, its risks and climate-friendly agriculture, that was introduced to the trainees by Marie Bendeliani within the framework of the "Eco-Grants Program".

The training was conducted in an interactive mode and the farmers received comprehensive answers to their questions, shared with each others their experiences focusing on the issues that are a priority in their municipalities.

A total of more than 260 farmers were trained during the training.

Within the framework of the "Eco-Grants Program", training and retraining courses on beekeeping are planned in Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti and Imereti.

"Eco-Grants Program" initiated and funded by BP and its partners within the framework of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Oil and South Caucasus Gas Pipeline projects and implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.


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