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New educational resources about natural disasters

New educational resources about natural disasters

The Environmental Information and Education Centre organized a two-day informational meeting in the framework of the project “Reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georgia”.

The meeting was participated by representatives of educational institutions from ten of the most vulnerable municipalities selected for the seven-year project. Under the project, to support environmental education, educational resources about fundamentals of disaster risk reduction have been prepared for the general education and preschool education institutions, and these materials have been presented to the stakeholders. The attendees of the meeting were heads of the resource centres and preschool institutions, educators, public school directors and teachers. 

During the meeting, there were discussed factors defining disaster risk reduction and seven main hazards caused by climate change, particularly drought, hail, flood, landslide, downpour, wildfire and strong wind.

The program “Reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georgia” is funded by the Georgian and Swedish Governments, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is implemented by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia with the assistance of the UN Development Program (UNDP). Educational and awareness-raising component of the project is completed by the Environmental Information and Education Centre of the Ministry.


Public hearings