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Work meeting in the framework of the project “Reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georg

Work meeting in the framework of the project “Reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georg

In the framework of the project “Reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georgia”, the Environmental Information and Education Centre of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia organized a work meeting for the group working on awareness-raising and education. 

The international expert of the program, Ruth Sobrino Gomez, presented to the stakeholders the strategy for communication and awareness-raising. The education expert, Rusudan Tevzadze, introduced to the group members  the educational materials designated for decision-makers of preschool, primary and secondary institutions and eco clubs.

Representatives of different non-governmental and international organizations attended the meeting and presented implemented educational activities under the natural disaster management. 

Once participants have got acquainted with materials, they discussed methods and approaches for using them. Furthermore, special attention has been paid to the seven climate-driven hazards included in the program: drought, hail, flood, landslide, downpour, wildfire and strong wind.

The program “Reducing the risk of climate-driven disasters in Georgia” is funded by the Georgian and Swedish Governments, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is implemented by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia with the assistance of the UN Development Program (UNDP). Educational and awareness-raising component of the project is completed by the Environmental Information and Education Centre of the Ministry.


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