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Eco leaders in the Algeti National Park and the National Botanical Garden

Eco leaders in the Algeti National Park and the National Botanical Garden

Educational program “Eco Leaders School” launched by The Environmental Information and Education Centre of The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia continues the final week of the educational process with a cognitive tour. After the online seminars that lasted for three months, young people interested in environmental issues visited The Algeti National Park and The National Botanical Garden of Georgia.

In the visitor centre of The Algeti National Park, Eco leaders got fluent information on the importance and aims of protected areas. Along with the theoretical seminar, during the visit, eco-tour in the protected area have been held. Eco leaders have been informed about the components of the Algeti National Park ecosystems and rare and endangered species living there. The students, along with the curriculum, visited the ecotourism attraction, the Ropes Park.the components of the Algeti National Park ecosystems and rare and endangered species living there. The students, along with the curriculum, visited the ecotourism attraction, the Ropes Park.

Within the field tour, to improve knowledge on biodiversity, another educational tour was held in The Botanical Garden where eco leaders familiarized with the principles of creating plant collections, history of the Botanical Garden and its mission.

“Eco Leaders School” is an educational program launched by EIEC that aims to teach the young generation environmental issues and raise knowledge in this field. Seminars provide young people with information on the modern-time and interesting environmental topics taking into consideration as theoretical as practical aspects.

“Eco Leaders School” participants are high school students from all the regions of Georgia who participated in the two-stage competition and have been selected as winners of the project. 
This year, the project was implemented for the first time but will be held annually in the future. 


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