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About 250 primary school teachers have already been trained in environmental and agrarian areas

About 250 primary school teachers have already been trained in environmental and agrarian areas

The process of retraining primary school teachers and curriculum experts in order to integrate the program "Environmental and Agrarian Education in School" into the school space is underway. The Center for Environmental Information and Education of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Government of Sweden, has already trained up to 250 primary school teachers in the first phase. Solomon Pavliashvili, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, met with trained teachers. Teachers on "Environmental and Agrarian Education at School" received diplomas and assistance manuals from the Deputy Minister.

At the elementary level, integrating environmental and agrarian issues into the subject and developing the right attitudes and behaviours in students through a variety of activities is another step forward that brings us closer to a common goal: to have an educated, right-minded future generation that can solve existing problems. "Environmental protection, social welfare, or economic development," said Solomon Pavliashvili.

Under the program, the capacity of 50,000 teachers will be enhanced through the use of textbooks initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, and 500,000 students will gain basic knowledge on key issues such as sustainable development, biodiversity protection, water resources protection, air pollution, natural pollution, and climate change. Reduction, Waste Management, Land Management, Desertification, Sustainable Agriculture, Food Safety and Quality.

A support manual for teachers, "Environmental and Agrarian Education at School," was prepared at the Eiec. The handbook covers important environmental and agrarian education issues that are easily adapted to the elementary grades (grades I-VI). 

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