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Training on the environmental legal regulation has been launched

Training on the environmental legal regulation has been launched

Trainings on environmental legislation has been launched all over the country by LEPL Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA). The main goal of the trainings is to improve the environmental management and improvement of law enforcement.

The first meetings within the program have been held in Lagodekhi and Dedoplistskaro. The training aims to promote capacity building of the local self-governing bodies’ fulfillment of liabilities, which lay on the municipalities. Special attention is paid to the legal database, which was officially adopted by the government of Georgia in 2020 and is harmonized with European Legislation, particularly to Forest Code, Extended Producer Responsibility and to changes in Law of Georgia on Ambient Air Protection. The role of the local self-governing bodies is very important in the fields like environmental impact assessment, supervision, biodiversity related issues, waste management etc.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of Lagodekhi and Dedoplistskaro municipalities, Lagodekhi and Dedoplistskaro Councils and administrative units, whose work is related to the enforcement of environmental regulations. 

The trainings will be held at the municipal level by the end of the year and will be led by the heads of the relevant structural units of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, sharing practical experience with the participants along with theoretical information.

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