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Environmental Education Week

Environmental Education Week

Within the Environmental Education week, different informational meetings were organized for the school students by the Environmental Information and Education Centre.

The Environmental Education week was opened by the awareness-raising event about the disasters risk reduction and early warning and various fan activities in Tbilisi Zoo. Within the Environmental Education Week, representatives of the centre and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture met up to 300 students of public and private schools from Tbilisi and regions. The meetings included the following topics: human environmental rights, climate change, threats to biodiversity, waste management and ambient air protection policy.

The Environmental Education week that aims to raise awareness of the society regarding the environmental issues was established during the world's first intergovernmental conference on environmental education. The first intergovernmental conference on environmental education was held on October 14, 1977, in Tbilisi by UNESCO and UNEP and defined the role of education to solve environmental problems.

Environmental education is complex teaching that builds environmental awareness, values and skills in the society. Its main purpose is to study the impact of human actions on the environment and find measures to solve environmental problems and to preserve, protect and improve the natural environment.

Public hearings