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Lecture about the ambient air protection policy

Lecture about the ambient air protection policy

The representative of the Environmental Information and Education Centre met the participants of the Ecocamp organized by CENN in Kachreti and spoke about the ambient air policy.

The essential part of the meeting was dedicated to important issues such as the ambient air quality in the capital city and regions, main pollutants and on-going and planned events towards improving air quality.

The meeting was continued in the interactive format after which the participants expressed their opinions on the measures needed for improving air quality.

At the end of the meeting, the participants got acquainted with the ambient air quality portal - and instruction for its use.

The Environmental Information and Education Centre continues to hold lectures and meetings concerning the ambient air quality which aims to provide reliable information for the interested people about the ambient air quality protection policy, sources of pollution and impact of air quality on human health.

Public hearings