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Student program - Green Economics School’’

Student program - Green Economics School’’

An opening of the new student program "Green Economics School" was held in Bulachauri Green Center with the cooperation of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture and CENN. The program aims to connect the university resources with the ongoing state and international economic programs.

The Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture Gela Khanishvili addressed to the students, lecturers from different universities and invited guests who emphasised the funding opportunities for students participating in the program as part of the ongoing initiatives for supporting small business and local economic development.   

In this program, there are participating 20 students selected through the contest from six universities of Georgia who will be trained and sent to the regions of Georgia to develop family, private, community, municipal, or national models of forest use.

The Director of CENN Nana Janashia announced that the projects submitted for piloting will be funded through the program and implemented with the direct participation of students.

The Environmental Information and Education Centre, National Forestry Agency and universities signed a memorandum of multilateral cooperation with CENN to achieve the sustainable development goals and the objectives of the rural development strategy and support,,Green Economics School’’.

The program is initiated within the project,, Sustainable Forest Management for Rural Development’’ implemented with the financial support of the Austrian Development Cooperation.

Public hearings