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Environmental Information and Education Centre Environmental Information and Education Centre

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Green Camp for Active Teachers

Green Camp for Active Teachers

The Environmental Information and Education Centre participated in the Green Camp organized by CENN.

Ekaterine Bendeliani, Deputy Director of the Centre presented the activities of the Environmental Information and Education Center and its current and planned projects. Particular attention was paid to the activities in which the teachers will be able to engage in the future and cooperate with the Centre.

Within the event, The head of the Ambient Air Protection Service of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Noe Megrelishvili talked about ambient air pollutants, pollution sources and their impact on human health. He also spoke about  the current progress toward the improvement of ambient air quality and air quality monitoring and evaluation system.. The Head of The Ambient Air Protection Service represented to the audience the Ambient Air Quality Portal that allows any interested person to continuously get information about the air quality from all the cities of Georgia where the air quality is being observed.

The meeting was held in the interactive format and the teachers received comprehensive answers to their questions.

Public hearings