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Poster contest,, Perspectives of sustainable land management and combating desertification in Georgia’’ organized by the Environmental Information and Education Centre and REC Caucasus has held. 

During the event organized for the authors of the selected posters, Deputy Director of the Environmental Information and Education Centre Ekaterine Bendeliani addressed to the participants.

Within the event, the head of Land Resources Protection Division Nino Chikovani delivered a lecture-seminar on desertification issues to contest participants and participants represented their works as well.

Contest participants were awarded with certificates and the authors of the three best posters posted by the jury were awarded by the Biblus voucher. 

The contest was held within the project ,,Applying Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) for mitigating land degradation and reducing poverty in rural areas’’. This project is initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (2016-2019),  financed by GEF, implemented by UNEP and executed by REC Caucasus.

The project objective is to support the integration of good Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) principles and practices into national policy and institutional framework to ensure the adoption of economically viable practices by rural communities. 


Public hearings