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Training course in Kvareli, Signagi and Sagarejo on wheat culture

Training course in Kvareli, Signagi and Sagarejo on wheat culture

Within the framework of the project to support farmers, the Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) and Agriculture and Rural Development Agency (ARDA) have organized a training course “High Quality and Solid Wheat Harvesting Modern Technologies”.

During the training, Head of the Research Division of Cereal Crops of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture Tsotne Samadashvili covered such important issues such as the promotion of the wheat culture as a strategic culture for the country, improvement of yield quality and quantity through the modern technologies and selection of wheat variety at all stages of its development before harvest accommodation.

Farmers got fluent answers for their interesting questions. The project to support farmers is implemented all over the country, includes training courses on various topics and aims to build the capacities of farmers.

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