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Presentation of the GCF project in Khobi and Abasha municipalities

Presentation of the GCF project in Khobi and Abasha municipalities

Within the framework of the project “Reducing the Risk of Climate-Change Driven Natural Disasters in Georgia”, the Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) has organized informational meetings in Abasha and Khobi municipalities which are among municipalities selected for the project as the most vulnerable.

The meetings aimed to introduce the project and inform participants on the awareness-raising and infrastructural activities planned in Khobi and Abasha municipalities which will facilitate enlargement of the early-warning system in the country, implementation of the national system for managing natural disaster risks and reduction of climate change-driven risk factors.

The efficiency of the implemented activities under the project depends on the level of awareness and knowledge of the local population in which the local governance, educational institutions and people living around the vulnerable areas must be actively involved. Currently, there is progressing the assessment of the threats existing on the river Rioni, elaboration of maps and identification of the relevant infrastructural activities.

The meetings were attended by the representatives of the local governments, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, population living close to the vulnerable territories and other interested parties. 

The program “Reducing the Risk of Climate-driven Disasters in Georgia” is funded by the Georgian and Swedish Governments, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is implemented by the UN Development Program (UNDP).


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