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Visit in Lagodekhi River Gorge under the GCF Project

Visit in Lagodekhi River Gorge under the GCF Project

Within the framework of the project of the Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC), UN Development Program (UNDP) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) -“Reducing the risk of Climate Change-driven natural disasters in Georgia”, the Director of EIEC Mrs Tamar Aladashvili visited River Lagodekhi Gorge.

During the visit, the meeting has been held with the local population living in the surroundings of the gorge. While meeting with locals, Mrs Tamar Aladashvili spoke about the reduction the risk of climate change-driven natural disasters, support to the public awareness-raising during the implementation of planned activities and capacity building. Besides, she underlined the goals and objectives of the project and activities planned to conduct on Lagodekhi River.

From the local self-government, the meeting was attended by the head of infrastructure division of the City Hall Mr Sandro Shavlakadze who expressed his readiness to support the implementation of the project.

The project “Reducing the Risk of Climate Change-driven Disasters in Georgia” with a budget of 74 million US$ will be implemented during 7 years and is aiming at reducing the risk of climate change-driven natural disasters, developing the early-warning system and implementing an efficient national system for managing multi-faceted hazards. The program is funded by the Georgian and Swedish Governments, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is implemented by the UN Development Program (UNDP).


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