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Environmental Information and Education Centre Environmental Information and Education Centre

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Webinar – Public relations and environmental awareness raising campaigns

Webinar – Public relations and environmental awareness raising campaigns

The Deputy Director of the Environmental Information and Education Centre Ekatrine Bendeliani conducted a webinar for “Eco-leaders School Students” on topic – public relations and campaigns to raise environmental awareness.

The speaker discussed in details the steps of the organization for effective communication with the public, strategic planning as decision making - where do you want to be in the future (goal) and how should you achieve it (Strategy). The Deputy Director emphasized the importance of having a strategic plan that proactively defines the direction of the organization to avoid moving downstream and repeat activities routinely.

Eco-leaders School students demonstrated special interest in the process of planning ongoing and planned environmental awareness-raising campaigns of EIEC. Besides, eco-leaders completed a simulated exercise in groups. The final part of the webinar continued in the interactive format. 

Eco-leaders School is an educational program launched by EIEC that aims to teach the young generation environmental issues and raise their awareness in this field. In the school, online seminars will be conducted during one month, and it will give the young people the knowledge accordingly to both theoretical and practical aspects of the most popular and interesting environmental topics.


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