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 Award Ceremony of the Winners of the Essay and Poster Contests

Award Ceremony of the Winners of the Essay and Poster Contests

The Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia awarded the winners of the Essay Contest– “Role of Biodiversity in our Life” and the poster contest “Our Salvation is in Nature”.

The Director of EIEC Tamar Aladashvili addressed to the participants of the contests and underlined the importance of environmental education and awareness-raising in this field. She also mentioned that despite the economic and technological development of the world, humans fluently depend on biodiversity.

Competitors presented themselves with their works and spoke about the importance of biodiversity and the necessity of the close relationship with nature.  

In the contests, participants presented about 100 original and interesting posters and essays, and they were able to contribute to the celebration of the International Day of Biological Diversity.

All participants of the competitions were provided with electronic certificates, and the symbolic gifts were awarded to the authors of the best three posters and essays selected by the jury.

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