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Contribution to the Renewed National Level of Georgia (NDC)

Contribution to the Renewed National Level of Georgia (NDC)

On June 7, 2017, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change "Paris Agreement" officially entered into force for Georgia. The agreement marks a new era of global climate change policy, with the primary goal of significantly reducing climate driven  risks and negative economic impacts by limiting global average temperature growth to 2 °C and/or an additional 1.5 °C.

Georgia's government accepted and submitted a Nationally Identified Contribution Document (INDC) to the Convention's Secretariat in 2015, noting that "Georgia plans to reduce its" greenhouse gas "emissions by 15 percent by 2030, in line with the "traditional business" scenario. 

The Paris Agreement obliges countries to update their nationally defined contribution documents every 5 years. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, in accordance with its obligation under the Paris Agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, has developed and updated the (NDC) .

A nationally defined contribution document should be provided to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat in the fourth quarter of this year, as requested by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The deadline for receiving comments and recommendations is July 6th of this year. Please send your thoughts to and through email. 

See Annex

Contribution to the Renewed National Level of Georgia (NDC) (English version) 

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