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516 teachers were trained in the Kakheti region

516 teachers were trained in the Kakheti region

Within the framework of the program "Environmental and Agrarian Education in School", the Eiec of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture has trained 516 teachers in the Kakheti region.

The director of the Eiec, Tamar Aladashvili, handed over certificates and textbooks to the teachers on "Environmental and Agrarian Education at School."

"Thank you for your active participation in the training process," Tamar Aladashvili said at a meeting with teachers in Telavi. "You already have the opportunity to teach environmental and agrarian issues to the next generation in the school space, which will contribute to the development of correct environmental values and agrarian awareness."

Primary school teachers are still being restrained in order to integrate the Environmental and Agrarian Education in Schools program into the classroom. The project will last over four years and will cover the whole country of Georgia. Teachers' capacity will be enhanced through the use of Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture textbooks, and students will gain basic knowledge on key issues such as sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, water resource protection, air pollution control, climate change,natural hazard mitigation. Desertification and land management, sustainable agriculture, food safety and quality The guidebook complies completely with the Ministry of Education and Science's criteria.

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