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A working meeting was organised by the Westminster Democracy Foundation

A working meeting was organised by the Westminster Democracy Foundation

The Westminster Foundation for Democracy, the Open Government Partnership, and the Aarhus Convention organised a working meeting on the Principles of Environmental Democracy. Maia Bitadze, Chair of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee, Ellen Wichmann, Program Officer, British Embassy in Georgia, and Andrew Parkinson, Program Manager, of Westminster Democratic Foundation, officially launched the event. Tamar Aladashvili, Director of the Eiec of the  Ministry of Environmental Protection  and Agriculture's  gave a presentation on Environmental Democracy's implementation in Georgia, the Aarhus Convention, and the Eiec role in this respect.

At the meeting, environmental democracy and its main principles were discussed, the best examples from different countries were presented, and the issues of the relationship between environmental democracy and open governance partnership were also discussed.

The Westminster Foundation for Democracy is pursuing a program to promote environmental democracy with the backing of the British government. The Foundation's conference was held to promote awareness about environmental democracy principles and to develop a future plan in this regard. 

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