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Environmental Information and Education Centre Environmental Information and Education Centre

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Webinar for school-children has been ended

Webinar for school-children has been ended

During the state of emergency, the Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) conducted webinars towards environment protection and agriculture for students of different ages on topics such as:
Waste management
Soil degradation
Climate change
Ambient air protection
History of wine
History of Georgian vine
Human environmental rights
Sustainable development goals

In this time, the webinars organized by EIEC were attended by 583 persons. Along with the end of the school year, webinars for school-children have been ended.

Along with the representative of EIEC, the webinars were led by invited experts in different fields of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. The participation in the webinars was free for any school or university student, parent or teacher.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, EIEC was functioning remotely. The Centre actively continues working on non-formal education to promote environmental and agricultural education and raise awareness.


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