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The competition “Take Care of the Environment and Win”

The competition “Take Care of the Environment and Win”

The competition “Take Care of the Environment and Win” announced on May 22,  International Day of Biological Diversity has ended today, June 5, World Environment Day.

The eco contest organized by the organization “Let’s Protect the Cleanness of Georgia” was aiming at involving schoolchildren and their families in the different environmental activities, in the framework of which participants were requested to create messages and materials related to the environment protection. 160 schoolchildren across the whole country participated in the contest and they created various works of different types with the involvement of their family members.

The best works of the competition were nominated by the jury consisted of the representatives of LEPL Environmental Information and Education Centre, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sport of Georgia, Waste Management Company, non-governmental environmental organizations - The Greens Movement of Georgia, CENN, Orkisi and Let’s Protect the Cleanness of Georgia. Three winners nominated by the jury will be awarded eco-friendly prizes.

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