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World Environment Day 2020

World Environment Day 2020

With the joint organization of LEPL Environmental Information and Education Centre and the EU, World Environment Day has been celebrated in Georgia. Within the celebration of this day, the informational campaign “Green Week” has been held to raise public awareness.

As part of the campaign, “Green Lesson” on the importance of biodiversity, its main threats and
challenges has been conducted by Mariam Archuadze, the representative of the EIEC .

Within the framework of the campaign, artist-caricaturist Zaal Sulakauri held drawing lesson for children “ How to Drow Biodiversity” in which schoolchildren learnt the secrets of drawing different important species.

As part of the “Green Week”, webinar – “Biodiversity and Climate Change” has been conducted led by
Kakha Artsivadze, a biodiversity expert.

Within the framework of “Green Week”, a social campaign was also planned, during which the 52 Green Tips” about how to live a “greener”, cleaner, healthier, smarter and more environmentally friendly life. On the social network, informational videos about sustainable waste management, eco-facts and online quiz on biodiversity were also posted.


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