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Meeting with representatives of the diplomatic corps

Meeting with representatives of the diplomatic corps

"Our environment is the wealth of our country," says Levan Davitashvili, "and it requires special care and protection."

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia's Eiec organised a meeting with representatives from the diplomatic corps and the non-governmental sector for Georgia's Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Levan Davitashvili, and the chairman of the committee on environment and natural resources, Nino Tsilosani. 

The Minister spoke about the current and planned legislative reforms in the field of the environment.

Levan Davitashvili paid special attention to the new forest code.

Environmental issues are the main priority for our government. We accepted the new code of forest. This is a very important document that implements new principles of forest sustainable management and brings  it to a whole new level,  moreover the government recently approved Extended Producer Responsibility, a crucial  document that allows the establishment  for  a circular economy-green economy. We will continue to work on initiatives and legislative acts with parliament this year very actively, and the support from our donor organisations is significant for us, "Levan Davitashvili said.

At the meeting, Nino Tsilosani, the chairperson of the environmental protection and natural resources committee, stated that all major legislation and reforms adopted and implemented are the result of collaboration between the Ministry, parliament, local non-governmental sectors, and international organisations.

"The Forest Code establishes mandatory norms for forest management, and that says it all," Nino Tsilosani explained. "The most essential element is the financial support that our donor organisations will provide for the bills' implementation."

At the meeting, Levan Davitashvili also spoke at the event  about the amendments to the draft law "On Atmospheric Air Protection Act" and noted that the protection of atmospheric air will be carried out in accordance with European principles.

The Minister also touched upon the issues of waste management, water resources management, expansion-establishment of protected areas and many other environmental legislative reforms and initiatives, on which the Ministry is actively working.

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