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Participants from the Eclider School have been identified

Participants from the Eclider School have been identified

The Centre for Environmental Information and Education has completed the selection of participants for the School of Ecoliders. Given the state of emergency in the country, the second stage of selection of participants took place remotely.

The School of Ecoliders is one of the Eiec's most important training programs, where participants learn about today's global difficulties and explore solutions with the support of trained professionals, gain knowledge about environmental issues, and improve critical thinking, advocacy, and teamwork skills. Students in grades IX-XII will study topics such as environment and sustainable development, waste management, biodiversity, protected areas, ecosystem services, climate change, and atmospheric air policy as part of the one-week intense program.

Due to the  state of emergency imposed by the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the Eiec of Georgia's Ministry of Environmental Protection and Rural Affairs, like other educational institutions, has moved to online work and is continuing the distance learning program.

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