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Environmental Information and Education Centre Environmental Information and Education Centre

Adapted for people with disabilities


 The webinars for school children

The webinars for school children

The EIEC offers to webinars to any student on the following topics: biodiversity, climate change, Georgian wine history, work in spring vineyards, waste management, natural hazard disaster risk reduction, sustainable development, water resources and energy, environmental rights and commitments and atmospheric quality  on the desired environmental and agrarian issues.

During distance teaching, any interested person, including a student, teacher, or parent, can fill out  the registration form -  To choose a topic of interest and to plan a webinar for any age group of students, with representatives from EIEC.

The EIEC besides educational lectures, conducts several kinds of online activities, such as promoting environmental and agrarian education as well as spreading environmental information in order to ensure society's involvement in decision making. 

Public hearings