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Trainings on European regulations on fuel

Trainings on European regulations on fuel

The LEPL Environmental Information and Education Centre (EIEC) under the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) hosted inspection trainings for the sub-agency Environmental Supervision Department and its respective inspectors deployed in Tbilisi. 

The training efforts have aspired to discuss matters related to the European requirements on storage and distribution of petrol, as well as organic-manure combinations of paint, entailing capacities for adhering to these requirements and enforcing them. These regulations and their effective enforcement serve as a remedy to decrease emissions and an aftermath resulting into decreasing ozone concentration throughout storage and distribution of petrol.

Foreign and Georgian educators had joined efforts for familiarizing attendees on the content and context of the legislative requirements, as well as the best European practice of enforcing these regulations into practice. Cultivating the new requirements and practices will complement implementation process of the European Union Association Agreement (AA) and fulfillment of the requirements, which are set forth, respectively. 

The trainings have been hosted in frames of the project “Support to implementation of the Environmental provisions of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement”.


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