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Environmental Information and Education Centre Environmental Information and Education Centre

Adapted for people with disabilities


Annual report

Annual report

The preschool environmental program was implemented by the Eiec in 2019, throughout Georgia, and under this program, up to 1200 educators and methodologists were retrained. 

The contest "green award 2019" was conducted to inspire educators, with 120 educators and methodologists from all over the world participating.

To promote environmental education, within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Science and the "new school model" reform, the training module was developed. Up to 100 curriculum experts were trained.

To promote constant education in agriculture and the environment throughout the country, qualification raising trainings were conducted.   In order to develop agricultural cooperatives shareholders were trained. For implementing environmental democracy principles, training  was held throughout the country. In total, 1700 people participated in training. 

Up to 1400 people participated in educational lectures and seminars in the fields of the environment and agriculture.

To ensure access to information and raise awareness:

Information meetings on predators and reptiles (snakes) were held in 23 municipalities with the participation of more than 600 local residents.

The radio show "Mtsvane Eteri" was created to discuss atmospheric air, forests, and biodiversity.

To ensure public participation in the decision-making process, public hearings were organised.

To promote the development of e-government: An atmospheric air quality portal ( was developed, and air quality portal data was integrated with the portal of the European Environment Agency (EEA).

Pharosana's electronic fighting program has been updated. The vintage registration program has been modified and is now connected to the Viticulture Cadastre.

Started by:

Develop and implement an information security policy. 

Develop a new module for the waste management program.

preparation of agro-insurance policy service.

establishment of electronic systems for environmental impact assessment and water resources.


Public hearings