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Public Hearing on the Draft Law of Georgia on Biodiversity

Public Hearing on the Draft Law of Georgia on Biodiversity

The Ministry of Environmental  Protection and Agriculture of Georgia has completed work on the updated version of the draft Law of Georgia on Biological Diversity.

Work on the bill began in 2013 with the financial support of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). Following the public hearings held in previous years, as well as the comments and remarks submitted by a working group composed of various non-governmental organizations, they were reflected in the draft law as far as possible.

The draft law on biological diversity was developed to provide a legal foundation for Georgia to meet its responsibilities under the Association Agreement with the European Union and to harmonize Georgian legislation with European conservation policies. 

The specific goals of the draft law of Georgia on biodiversity are to ensure:

•  Long-term conservation and protection of natural plant and wildlife species;
•  Protection and conservation of habitats through the development of the Emerald Network and the creation of protected areas included in international networks; 
•   Regulate international wildlife and fauna species to avoid putting these species in danger;
•   Access to genetic resources and related traditional knowledge and equitable distribution of benefits derived from their use.

Interested parties may submit comments and opinions on the draft Law of Georgia on Biological Diversity to the Ministry of Environmental  Protection and Agriculture of Georgia by January 9, 2022, at the following e-mail addresses:;;; liana.giorgadze@mepa.

A public hearing will be held in January 2022. The exact time and place will be announced later.


Public hearings