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The meeting was held regarding ‘’reducing the risks of climate-driven disasters in Georgia

The meeting was held regarding ‘’reducing the risks of climate-driven disasters in Georgia

The Ministry of Environmental  Protection and Agriculture of Georgia organised a meeting on ’reducing the risks of climate-driven disasters in Georgia organised by the Eiec and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The meeting was opened by the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection  and Agriculture of Georgia, Solomon Pavliashvili, and the Head of the UNDP, Nick Beresford. 

"Adapting to climate change is one of the priorities of the Georgian government. "Our goal is to prevent the devastating effects of climate change and to introduce a large-scale system of monitoring, forecasting, and early warning," said Solomon Pavliashvili, Deputy Minister of Environment and Agriculture.

As UNDP Director Nick Beresford noted, increasing resilience to climate change is critical. In Georgia, measures at the local level are essential for the introduction of effective mechanisms for adapting to climate change.

The mayors and chairmen of 10 municipalities in Georgia discussed the necessary measures and investments to reduce the risk of climate-driven disasters. Representatives of Abasha, Akhmeta, Gori, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Samtredia, Senaki, Sighnaghi, Kobuleti, and Khobi self-governments participated in the two-day meeting.

The event participants discussed what can be done at the local level to protect people and the economy from climate-driven disasters, improve relevant education, and raise public awareness. The municipalities whose representatives attended the meeting are located in the regions of Georgia that are particularly vulnerable to climate change. 

In 2019, Georgia launched a large-scale program to adapt to climate change and reduce disaster risk. The program is implemented through the joint efforts of the Georgian government and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The program is funded by the Green Climate Fund and the governments of Georgia, Sweden, and Switzerland. Under the program, modern mechanisms for adapting to climate change, including hydrometeorological observation and early warning systems, should be introduced. Major construction will take place in 11 major river basins in Georgia, where the risk of disaster is particularly high.In addition, awareness of climate change will increase. 

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