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World Meteorological Day

World Meteorological Day

Organised by the EIEC, at the National Environment Agency, the representatives of the Agency introduced the history of the development of the field of hydrometeorology and the principles of operation of modern systems to the students of grades V-VI of the European School.

Students viewed the monitoring network, which is used to compile and spread daily weather forecasts and, if necessary, make appropriate recommendations. The school students also received information about the analysis of meteorological radar data in Georgia.

It should be noted that the National Environment Agency is a member of the European Center for Medium-Term Forecasts, which helps to improve the quality of weather forecasts in Georgia.

To support the sector's development, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) has supported the procurement of 139 automatic meteorological and hydrological parameter measurement equipment, which will be distributed across the country by the end of 2023.

The expansion of this network will improve weather forecasting quality and boost the effectiveness of early warnings for natural hydrometeorological phenomena.

World Meteorological Day has been celebrated on March 23 every year since 1950 and is associated with the founding of the World Meteorological Organisation.

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