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Farmers' training

Farmers' training

The EIEC announces the registration of distance training for persons interested in agricultural concerns, agricultural students, farmers, and those active in agriculture:

✅Agrotechnology of Almond Production-April 1, 12:00–14:30
✅Modern corn care and cultivation technologies: April 5, 11:00–15:00
✅Agro-technology for blueberry production - April 8/11: 00–14:00
✅Arrangement of a modern greenhouse - April 12/11: 00–14:00
✅Maintenance and cultivation of windbreaks: - April 15 / 14:00 - 17:00
✅Poultry-Chicken breeding, breeds, nutrition, diseases and prevention (2 days) - April 19-20, / 11:00 - 14:00

training is free and each person can, if desired, attend one or more training sessions.

The training will be held through the "zoom" platform.

If you want to go through the training, please fill out the registration form:

Valeri Alugishvili is the contact person regarding this issue (mob: 557 43 44 41; e-mail:

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