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Within the framework of the project "Reducing the Risk of Climate Driven Disasters", information meetings were held with the mayors and chairmen of the target municipalities

Within the framework of the project "Reducing the Risk of Climate Driven Disasters", information meetings were held with the mayors and chairmen of the target municipalities

The local coordinators of the EIEC  of the Ministry of Environmental  Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, held meetings with the mayors and chairpersons of the target municipalities, within the framework of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) project "Reducing the Risk of Climate Driven Disasters." The coordinators briefed local municipalities on ongoing GCF project activities and information campaigns designed to implement effective adaptation mechanisms for climate change.The mayors and chairmen of Abasha, Akhmeta, Gori, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Samtredia, Senaki, Sighnaghi, Kobuleti, and Khobi reviewed the steps that need to be taken to reduce the risk of climate-driven disasters and increase public awareness. The meetings' goal is to make it easier for representatives from the target municipalities  to participate in risk management operations.

The employees of the State Representative, mayors, and assembly chairmen were informed about the activities carried out within the project by the staff of the National Environment Agency of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the Department of Roads of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure, and the Emergency Management Service.

In 2019, Georgia launched a large-scale programme to adapt to climate change and reduce disaster risk. The programme is implemented through the joint efforts of the Georgian government and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The programme is funded by the Green Climate Fund and the governments of Georgia, Sweden, and Switzerland. Under the program, modern mechanisms for adapting to climate change, including hydrometeorological observation and early warning systems, should be introduced. Major construction will take place in 11 large river basins in Georgia, where the risk of disaster is particularly high.In addition, public awareness of climate change will increase.

Public hearings