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Obligations of manufacturers/importers under Extended Producer Responsibilities

Obligations of manufacturers/importers under Extended Producer Responsibilities

Until June 1, 2022, the manufacturer/importer of a product subject to Extended Producer Responsibilities must register in the EPR registration and enter information about the product, type, and weight sold on the Georgian market each year, as well as upload the certificate from the LEPL Revenue Service confirming this information.

An EPR registration is already in place at the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture: 

Starting July 1, 2022, distributors of products subjected to the relevant ERP responsibility will be prohibited from placing on the market products provided by manufacturers who are not registered in the ERP register or who are not members of the ERP organisation.

The manufacturer must establish an ERP organisation, either individually or collectively, taking into account that the manufacturer's total market share (total market share) with an individual ERP organisation or member producers of a collective ERP organisation must be at least 10% of the total market share.

Manufacturers and importers who place their first products under the ERP (battery and accumulators, tires, electrical and electronic equipment, and oils) for the first time on the Georgian market (for the first supplier market-direct manufacturer or importer providing product availability) are subject to the manufacturer's extended responsibility, regardless of the form of sale.

The Georgian government approved four technical regulations on May 25, 2020, to implement the extended producer responsibility (waste oil management, tire waste management, waste management of electrical and electronic equipment, and waste management of batteries and accumulators). The regulations spell out the rights and responsibilities of everyone involved in the ERP system. 

According to the third paragraph of Article 9 of the Waste Management Code, the producer and marketer of a product that becomes a specified waste must provide separate collection, transportation, recovery (including recycling), and safe disposal of the product waste.

You can read the technical regulations for the Extended Producer Responsibilities at the following links: 


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