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The public school of the village Atskuri in Akhmeta municipality took the  fourth place in the contest ‘’ Learn in a Safe Environment’’

The public school of the village Atskuri in Akhmeta municipality took the fourth place in the contest ‘’ Learn in a Safe Environment’’

The public school of Atskuri, in Akhmeta municipality, participated in the contest "Learn in a Safe Environment" announced by the EIEC and received the fourth prize.

The school's project aimed to solve the problems caused by the Berkheva River's floods. In the event of flooding, the seemingly innocuous river Berkheva's gorge puts the school and its environs in danger. Flooding is common during periods of severe rain.

One of the main goals of participating in the contest was to solve this problem. With the funding received within the framework of the project and with the support of Akhmeta Municipality, a drainage canal was cut in front of the school that will return the water from the riverbed to the Berkheva gorge, "said Lali Bachiashvili, a school teacher.

Within the framework of the project, the important activity was to raise awareness in the community. The school held information meetings in the local community and discussed threats caused by throwing household waste into the river. A cleaning action was held, and information leaflets were made and distributed in the community organised by the school.

Our school has always been distinguished by active students. The school's eco-club, "The Green Future," has been involved in several activities for 7 years. Through their involvement, they created and distributed informational leaflets in the community. The citizens already know what can happen in the event of each person's wrongdoing. I think such contests give a significant opportunity to schools to improve their resilience to climate-driven disasters for schools and for the community, "said school teacher Bela Bakhbakhashvili.

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