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International year of the earth

International year of the earth

Earth day which takes place on  April  22 is one of the world's greatest environmental celebrations.  The EIEC hosted a session titled "Earth History-from Protoplanet to Blue Planet" as part of Earth Day Week. Tamar Aladashvili, Director of the EIEC, opened the meeting. Students at the National Palace were informed about the history of Earth's evolution as well as the modern challenges that the blue planet faces.  

It is critical to enhance public knowledge about environmental challenges, and the high level of interest among young people in these topics is promising. We are making strong efforts to promote environmental education. "The day devoted to the protection of the environment reminds us once again that we are all responsible for the environment we are creating," Tamar Aladashvili said.

The theme for Earth Day in 2022 is "Invest in Our Planet," with an emphasis on climate change. The first Earth Day was held in 1970.

Public hearings