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Draught government resolutions on environmental obligations and duties

Draught government resolutions on environmental obligations and duties

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia developed the draughts of the resolutions of the Government of Georgia on "Environmental Obligations and Duties".
For the purpose of public introduction and discussion, the Ministry publishes five draught resolutions of the Government of Georgia:
1. "On determining the composition of the Environmental Programme Commission and approving its regulations";
2. "On the approval of the technical regulation on the method of monetary compensation for the damage caused to the environment";
3. "On the criteria for determining measures to correct significant damage by a person responsible for significant damage to the environment and the procedure for drawing up a plan for measures to correct significant damage";
4. "On the procedure for selecting replacement or adequate measures to correct significant damage to be carried out in the vicinity of the damaged area or in another area."
5. "On the rule of financial security for the risk of harming the environment by carrying out activities that are particularly dangerous for the environment,"

 Notes and opinions about the mentioned draughts of the resolutions of the Government of Georgia should be submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, only in writing and no later than November 30, to the e-mail address:

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