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An information meeting was held for the students within the framework of the Mtkvari Protection Day

An information meeting was held for the students within the framework of the Mtkvari Protection Day

Within the framework of the Mtkvari Protection Day, the EIEC held an information meeting for the students of the Millennium School. Students got acquainted with the general hydrographic characteristics of the Mtkvari River. Representatives of the National Environment Agency informed the young people about the monitoring.

The National Environment Agency regularly monitors the quality of the Mtkvari River Basin at 19 points every month and once every three months at 33 points. As part of expeditions to the Mtkvari River, representatives of the National Environment Agency conduct water samples for its chemical and microbiological analyses, which are sent to the Laboratory for ambient air, water, and soil analysis.

Mtkvari Protection Day was established in 1999 at the initiative of the Mtkvari-Araks coalition.

Public hearings