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Pieces of training on "Climate-Sensitive Agriculture" were held in vocational schools

Pieces of training on "Climate-Sensitive Agriculture" were held in vocational schools

The EIEC of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia organised training on "Climate-Sensitive Agriculture." The purpose of this training is to facilitate the introduction of a climate-sensible agriculture module into the educational process in authorised state institutions implementing professional programs.

As part of the training course, agricultural lecturers were trained, who received detailed information on the role and importance of smart-climate agriculture and discussed priority areas by region.

Climate change is having a major impact on the environment and is creating new challenges for agriculture. The goal of climate-smart agriculture is to transform agriculture into a system that mitigates and adapts to climate impacts, ensures food security, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Establishing modern approaches in agriculture is important for the development of Georgia's agriculture, to reduce its negative impact on the environment, and to reduce farmers' costs of mechanization.

The training was conducted within the framework of a project funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)—"Modernization of the Vocational Education and Training System in Georgia (VET Phase 2)".

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