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The winners of the contest "Green Award 2022" are revealed

The winners of the contest "Green Award 2022" are revealed

The winners of the contest "Green Award 2022" are revealed

The winners of the "Green Award" contest of the EIEC were announced within the framework of World Environment Day. Nona Margoshvili, the educator of Kindergarten N1 in the village of Duisi, Akhmeta Municipality, won the "Green Award-Preschool Environmental Education 2022" "Green Award-Environmental and Agrarian Education in Schools 2022" received Marine Porchkhidze, English teacher from Rev. Mumladze Public School, at N7 Zestafoni and Kldeti Public School Municipality. June 06, 2022.

The winners were awarded by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia Otar Shamugia.

"It is very important to take care of our society, the awareness of our next generation, and education in the field of environmental protection." We are implementing several important projects in this regard; the "Green Award" is one of them. As part of the contest, we identified the winning teachers. "I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of them for their participation in this project. I would like to congratulate them on their success and wish them success in their daily activities to raise our next generation and provide them with relevant education," Otar Shamugia said.

The Green Award competition was established in 2018 by the EIEC. The aim of the contest is to identify and encourage teachers and educators who actively use the textbooks "Preschool Environmental Education" and "Environmental and Agricultural Education at School" in the educational process and care for the promotion of environmental and agricultural education for children. The textbooks are being successfully implemented throughout the country.

"We get the proper result of initiatives and projects with the active involvement of our motivated teachers and educators." It is impossible to achieve a goal set otherwise. We hope that in the future, more teachers will be interested in this important field and will be involved in both the teaching process and the competition. The Ministry, in turn, will not ignore the activities of teachers and educators, "said Tamar Aladashvili, director of the EIEC.

The First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Tamar Makharashvili, invited guests attended the award ceremony.

At the event, the winners and the selected participants of the competition commission were awarded special prizes.

Supporters of the contest "Green Award" are the National Center for Teacher Professional Development, Nursery Management Agency, Tbilisi Zoo Education Center, Caucasus Regional Environmental Center (REC Caucasus), CENN, Ecokeda, and Nature Conservation Organization "Sabuko", to protect the cleanliness of Georgia. Also, private companies: including Med Diagnostics, Delphos, Silknet, Lutecia, and Pharmadepot, support environmental education and awareness-raising activities within their social responsibility.

In the contest "Green Award" 2022, contestants participated from all over Georgia.  The award ceremony was held on June 5, World Environment Day. World Environment Day was established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly. This year, the slogan of the campaign to mark Environment Day is "Only One Earth," which focuses on "living in harmony with nature."

As part of the celebration of World Environment Day, the TV tower and the area around the Metekhi Bridge were illuminated in green.


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